This image captures a selection of books that have influenced my upcoming book, Serendipity Unleashed – Hidden Wisdom of the Jesters. They represent just a fraction of the inspiration behind my work. Alongside these, I have immersed myself in countless digital sources, scientific articles, and academic research, all woven together by 45 years of professional experience and 20 years of dedicated serendipity research.
From Arthur Koestler’s The Act of Creation—which lays the foundation for bisociation and the role of jesters in creativity—to Robert Merton’s seminal work on serendipity, and from the wisdom of historical figures like Genghis Khan and Woody Allen to modern business thinkers like Nassim Taleb and John Hagel III, this collection spans disciplines, eras, and perspectives. Each book has contributed in its own way to shaping my understanding of how unexpected discoveries emerge and how the Jester’s role is crucial in fostering them.
But books alone are not enough. True serendipity arises from the intersections—between ideas, people, and experiences. It is the art of seeing beyond the obvious, making connections that others miss, and allowing room for the unexpected. That’s precisely what my book aims to explore: how we can respect serendipity, cultivate the right mindset, and harness the hidden wisdom of the Jesters in today’s world.
And, of course, behind it all is the boundless jesterish wisdom of Yogi Berra, perfectly crystallized in this thought:
“You have to be very careful if you don’t know where you are going, because you might not get there.”
Stay tuned for more insights on the journey toward Serendipity Unleashed.