One could describe me as an Explorer of my personal life, since I have been there – seen that, so many fascinating topics and projects over the past decades. I am the founder or co-founder of seven different companies since 1984 .- one could use the term “serial entrepreneur”, but I personally don’t like to be called that way. I believe that my life is a journey – and even though it sometimes looks like I am wandering around, I have a solid feeling that I am not lost.
I have five adult daughters, I am happily re-married and living on the country side in Eastern Finland. For my otherwise nomadic lifestyle, the near to nature location in the middle of nowhere is just perfect. I love outdoor activities like fishing, picking mushrooms and wild berries, jogging – my first marathon was completed on May 2011, followed by the second one on May 2012. (2013 was skipped because of poor preparation season on Spring)
I have a great respect for the truly awesome adventures of our life – like serendipity as well as the beauty and wisdom of Mother Nature in all forms and varieties. I am easily inspired when meeting with people, who are thinking with their own brains, going their own paths and choosing independently their own ways of living and contributing to the surrounding communities. Well – people say also that I am an inspiring person with a great creativity potential and the ability to get people thinking out of the box.
My business life is focused on my partly-owned company Karostech Ltd (, the main expertise areas being the building of innovation communities and the implementation of new collaborative innovation environments. I am also a member of UNESCO’s team of science park experts.
My first book titled “Oasis Way and the Postnormal Era: How Understanding Serendipity Will Lead You to Success” was published on May 2014.