”Jesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away…. ” the beautiful song of Beatles is forever reframed in my mind. Somehow I feel today – when my book project is emerging – the urgent need to launch the amazing word ’Jesterday’….a conclusive notion of my feelings and wisdom of our world.
Jesterday is a day when past, present and future merge, a magical moment when you feel that synchronicity and serendipity are hanging around you, just waiting to be harnessed. A beauty of human life, a blessing of the universe. When experiencing Jesterday I can feel all the characteristics that a great author Arthur Koestler described – the Jester, the Sage, the Artist – combined. It’s a deep understanding, that Universe expects me to do my part, and at the same time the empowering feeling that I can do it!
Jesterday is a day when past, present and future merge, a magical moment when you feel that synchronicity and serendipity are hanging around you, just waiting to be harnessed.
Having had a roller coaster life like mine, I am happy just now to peacefully cherish the moment, where I can just relax and enjoy the memories, those wonderful moments with a diversity of great people, who have entered my life during the years. Keeping in mind that when memories exceed the dreams, the end is near, like Michael Hammer so wisely stated.
My Flaneur- type of lifestyle has caused to people close to me a lot of anxiety, insecurity and trouble over the years, yet it has been my choice. You may call it selfish, foolish or even ridicilous, but for me it has been a choice, an unfliching response to the call of the Universe. Not all those who wander are lost, the wise words of J.R.R.Tolkien have given me the energy and motivation to explore our awesome world. Yet my journey is just in the beginning, there are so many new landscapes to explore, so many wonderful people to meet, so many unexpected encounters to learn of, so much beauty to be experienced.
For me Jesterday is even more, it’s the mindset where you respect serendipity and trust synchronicity. It’s the wonderful feeling, that you actually like surprises! This is the part of human life which I am committed to explore more in coming months together with my trusted friends and all those people who are open and curios to elaborate it further.
With all this future oriented energy and bless from Universe I will solemnly keep in my mind the wise words of Yogi Berra: ”You have to be very careful, if you don’t know where you are going, because you might not get there”. Respect serendipity – and be happy!